剑桥雅思9Test2Section1听力原文与答案 Accommodation form 您所在的位置:网站首页 lesson outline year three听力答案 剑桥雅思9Test2Section1听力原文与答案 Accommodation form

剑桥雅思9Test2Section1听力原文与答案 Accommodation form

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剑桥雅思9Test2Section1听力原文与答案 Accommodation form 剑桥雅思9听力二套题 […]

剑桥雅思9Test2Section1听力原文与答案 Accommodation form

剑桥雅思9听力二套题目第一部分的主题为比较典型的租房场景,内容包括租房者的个人信息,饮食要求,比较青睐的房型,兴趣爱好,对同住伙伴的期望等。类似的内容还曾在剑桥雅思4 Test 3 Section 1和剑桥雅思5 Test4 Section 1中出现过。


雅思备考听力篇 剑9 test 2 section 1 雅思听力高频词汇

剑桥雅思9Test2听力Section1答案解析 Accommodation Form – Student Information

剑9 test 2 Section 1雅思听力原文

MAN:           Good morning. Can I help you?

WOMAN:        Yes. I’ve just been accepted on a course at the university and I’d like to try and arrange accommodation in the hall of residence. Example

MAN:           Yes, certainly. Please sit down. What I’ll do is fill in a form with you to find out a little more about your preferences and so forth.

WOMAN:        Thank you.

MAN:           So first of all, can I take your name?

WOMAN:        It’s Anu Bhatt. (Q1)

MAN;           Could you spell your name, please?

WOMAN:         Yes. A-N-U … B-H-A double T.

MAN:           Thanks, and could I ask your date of birth?

WOMAN:         31st March 1972. (Q2)

MAN:           Thank you. And where are you from?

WOMAN:        India.

MAN:           Oh right. And what will you be studying?

WOMAN:        I’m doing a course in nursing (Q3).

MAN:           Right, thank you. And how long would you want to stay in hall, do you think?

WOMAN:        Well, it’ll take three years but I’d only like to stay in hall for two (Q4). I’d like to think about living outside for the third year.

MAN:           Fine. And what did you have in mind for catering? Do you want to cook for yourself or have all your meals provided, that’s full board?

WOMAN:        Is there something in between?

MAN:           Yes. You can just have evening meal provided, which is half board.

WOMAN:        That’s what I’d prefer.

MAN:           Yes, a lot of students opt for that. Now, with that in mind, do you have any special diet, anything we should know about?

WOMAN:        Yes, I don’t take red meat (Q5).

MAN:           No red meat.


MAN:           Now, thinking about the room itself, we have a number of options. You can have a single study bedroom or you can have a shared one. These are both what we call simple rooms. The other alternative is to opt for a single bedsit which actually has more space and better facilities. There’s about £20 a week difference between them.

WOMAN:       Well, actually my grant is quite generous and I think the bedsit (Q6) sounds the best option .

MAN:         Lovely. I’ll put you down for that and we’ll see what availability is like. Now can I ask some other personal details which we like to have on record?

WOMAN:      Yes, of course.

MAN:          I wonder if you could let us know what your interests are. This might help us get a closer match for placing you in a particular hall.

WOMAN:       Ummm. Well, I love the theatre (Q7).

MAN:         Right.

WOMAN:       And I enjoy sports, particularly badminton.

MAN:          That’s worth knowing. Now, what we finish with on the form is really a list from you of what your priorities are in choosing a hall and we’ll do our best to take these into account.

WOMAN:       Well, the first thing is I’d prefer a hall where there are other mature students (Q8), if possible.

MAN:         Yes, we do have halls which tend to cater for slightly older students.

WOMAN:       Ummm and I’d prefer to be out of town (Q9).

MAN:          That’s actually very good for you because we tend to have more vacancies in out-of-town halls.

WOMAN:       Lucky!

MAN:          Yes. Anything else?

WOMAN:       Well, I would like somewhere with a shared area (Q10), a TV room for example, or something like that. It’s a good way to socialise.

MAN:          It certainly is.

WOMAN:       That’s it.

MAN:          Now, we just need a contact telephone number for you.

WOMAN:       Sure, I’ll just find it. It’s double 67549.

MAN:          Great, so we’ll be in contact with you as soon as possible …

剑9 test 2 Section 1雅思听力答案

1. Bhatt

2. 31 March

3. nursing

4. 2

5. meat

6. bedsit

7. theatre

8. mature/older

9. town

10. shared

剑桥雅思9Test2Section2听力原文与答案 Parks and open spaces

剑桥雅思9Test2Section3听力原文与答案 Self-Access Center 自习中心

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